

先吐槽,后推荐 首先这个啤酒名叫“老鹰”(EAGL)其实应该翻译成“幼鹰”的。是Cambridge大学学生自己研发并出资建立的一个牌子,在学校的餐厅和超市有售。官网是[http://www.eaglbeer.co.uk] ,不过现在已经可以直邮到中国了。

个人认为最好喝的是IPA(印度淡色艾尔啤酒),叫Young Eagle IPA。然后还有一款Lager(拉格啤酒)也不错。其他的味道都比较一般。

1、Lager 5.8% ABV This is a refreshing, low-bitter lager with a smooth flavour and an elegant finish. 很清爽的低度啤酒,口感柔和,适合夏天饮用。

2、Porter 6.0%ABV A tasty porter, perfect for enjoying on its own or as the basis of a crafty pint. 口感类似于国内的黑啤酒,但是更为醇厚。

3、Stout 5.4%ABV With its rich aroma and distinctive sweet taste, this stout will satisfy those who like their beer to pack a punch. 黑色的啤酒,带有浓郁的香草巧克力味,适合喜欢喝酒的人。

4、IPA 7.0%ABV This is a strong, full flavoured India Pale Ale with a balanced bitterness that ensures it remains very drinkable. 典型的印度淡色艾尔,带有浓郁的香气,口感圆润,回味持久。
