

首先,题主已经拿到了毕业证和学位证,那么恭喜你已经获得了T4学生的身份 那么接下来就是怎么找工作以及留英工作了 T4 Student Route

1. 可以在毕业后的6个月内找工作;

2. 在找工作的过程中不要全职工作;

3. 在找到工作后必须向移民局申请工作许可(Work Permit);

4. 如果你的工作合同是全职的并且雇佣你的人是英国公司的话你需要申请工签;

5. 如果你的工作合同是兼职或是国外公司在英国成立的分公司聘用你,则不需要申请工作签证。 如果是本科或者master的毕业生,在毕业后可以无条件申请2年工签(Post-study Work),如果是在伦敦地区毕业的,则有3年的工作签证机会, 但是注意这个2年和3年的限制是不包括假期时间的 PSW is a route for graduates to stay and work in the UK after they have finished their course of study at an institution that has signed up to participate in PSW. The scheme applies to both undergraduate (bachelor's degrees or equivalent) and postgraduate degree students, including masters’ courses – except for research Masters programmes and PhDs which are covered by the Doctorate Extension Scheme. This means you will be able to remain on a Tier 2 visa, with all associated rights as set out below:

•You can work anywhere within the UK without having to seek further approval from the Home Office • You don’t need permission to switch into this route if your current leave expires no later than June 2021. If it does expire afterwards, then your employer must apply on your behalf before any work commences.

If you have previously held a Tier 4 visa, it won’t count towards the total number of times permitted within these routes: however,you should ensure you keep hold of evidence of previous visas issued to you under Tier 4, such as your biometric residence permit (BRP), so you do not risk losing the right to continue working during future visits abroad where relevant

From September 2021,the new Graduate Immigration Route (GIR) will replace Post Study Work. This will give international students who complete a BA, MA, MSc或PHD a two year visa to look for employment in the UK .

A GIR visa can be extended while still employed for another two years,with an unlimited number of extensions provided you maintain your employment status. There is also no cap on the number of people who can come to the UK through either route. For example: An engineering graduate could receive five separate work permits allowing them to stay in the country for almost ten years, providing they find suitable jobs throughout their studies. It is thought approximately


我觉得你还没搞清毕业后的工签是什么,和移民签证不是一个概念吧. 然后,你是来学习的不是来这里工作的,你的任务是学东西的(虽然学校可能也会给你找实习)而不是找工作,所以还是把注意力集中在如何学习好课程上比较好。想好工作的事情就放一放好了。 等你学完了之后就可以开始申请工作了,当然这是在你找到工作后并且他们愿意帮你申请签证的前提下进行的。至于怎么弄到工作机会就看你自己了。 你应该先想想你想做什么样的工作和什么样的公司,然后根据这个目标去找相应的地方投简历或者去联系招聘人员,这样成功率会更大一点(如果你真的找到了工作的话哈) 最后祝你成功!
