

作为世界高等教育中心,英国有超200所正规大学及100多所学院,每年接收约50多万学生就读。由于英国教育资源有限且十分重视教学质量与人才培养,大部分的院校都是“精而少”、规模小但教育质量高,因此能提供的专业课程并不多。 一般而言,每个学校最多只设立3-5个硕士专业,个别学校甚至只有1-2个专业,这意味着选择英国留学需要更明确自身的需求和喜好,因为很难找到两个完全一样设置的专业。但也正是因为这样的课程设置,才使得教育更具有针对性,更能满足学生的需求。 那么,英国硕士到底有哪些专业呢?


1.Accounting会计(注意!英国没有ACCA,只有IAAS, ICAEW, CIMA这三个会计协会)

2.Banking and finance银行与金融

3.Business分析 Business analysis is about using data to make smarter decisions in business. It’s a relatively new discipline bridging the gaps between disciplines, for example combining economics with computing science. The core modules will be familiar as part of degrees such as BSc accounting & finance or MSci banking & finance but there will also be opportunities to explore topics not usually covered on undergraduate courses, depending on your choice of university. Topics you are likely to study include: Data analytics Decision modelling Financial risk management Investment Banking and financial markets International finance Macroeconomics Microeconomic analysis Monetary policy


1.AI人工智能 Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest growing fields of research in the world. The applications of AI are far reaching and it has the potential to transform industry in every country, making it a top priority for governments and businesses around the globe. In short, AI promises to revolutionise our future way of life. From self-driving cars to smart homes and from medical diagnostics to finance, this field has something to offer everyone. The UK is home to the highest number of AI companies globally—second only to the US—with startups thriving across the country. London alone has over 4,000 AI firms employing nearly 70,000 people.


1.Education教育 A taught course in education is ideal if you want to pursue a career in teaching, whether at secondary school level or in further/higher education. You can get an idea of what universities teach by having a look at their modules. For example, University College London (UCL) allows you to view past modules they have offered in Education and Children's Learning. Other common topics you might come across are global development; educational psychology; learning and c
