我今年五月份过的美签,面试时问的问题是这样的 L: Name (中文名) A: Age (20 years old) L: Do you have a job? (有工作) A: What is your job? (在500强实习) L: You are going to USA for further education, why not in China where there’s no shortage of good universities. Why do you choose US instead? (因为喜欢美国的文化) A: I like America's freedom and democracy very much, but also because here has the best school with high quality education that can help me learn more knowledge。 Also my parents want me go to study at abroad university so they support it as well。 (补充了父母支持的原因) L: For how long will you stay in our country? And what about after studying, did you made any plan or decide on your career path (出国时间,毕业后打算) A: One year for master program two years for Phd program ,after finishing my studies, i hope get back to china become teacher in some college。(补充了学习年限) L: Okay then let me know which class you want to attend? If we give visa, ok? (让我确认要上的课) A: Economics course for Master level; Computer Science Course for Doctoral Level。 So please take care! Thanks! Goodbye! (最后加了一句谢谢,结束了)
个人觉得这些问题不是很难,只要提前做好准备就行啦~ 另外提醒一点,回答问题的时候尽量不要出现“I”“me”等第一人称代词,会被面试官认为口语不好;还有最好用一般现在时回答,比如回答“i am…”不要用“i was…”等等~