M Non-Immigrant, F1, F2 M1 访问学者 (visitor for academic or educational purposes). M2(O): 交流学者 (exchange visitor who is participating in an approved exchange visitor program; O代表observer 观察员) M3:培训者, 交流学生, 交换访问学者(student, scholar, teacher, researcher, professor, or leader of a cultural exchange program), 以及其配偶和未成年子女; 在F1/M1/M3期间可兼职工作, 以支持学习/研究 为期18个月或更少的培训项目不需要就业许可. 如果培训项目的目的是为了获取特定技能以便日后在美国就业,且该项目大于18个月且不在学术领域内进行,则需要就业许可. 对于M3来说必须获得I94表格上的准许工作(work authorization)的允许才能工作. 不属于M visa之列的人士在申请非移民签证时将被拒绝。
J Non-Immigrant, J1, J2. Exchange Visitor: 交流人员. The purpose of this category is to promote mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by giving qualified nonimmigrants temporary admission to the United States, with the intent that they observe and report on U.S. society and culture from their home country's perspective while engaging in mutually beneficial and reciprocal social, cultural, intellectual, professional, educational, and other types of exchanges. J1和J2持有者均可赴美,而J1持有人在美期间不能全职工作.
L Non-Immigrant , L1 Intra-company Transferee.公司内部员工调动,包括经理(manager),高级行政管理人员(executive)等。 L2 被派到美国的外国公司高管或其家庭的成员,在美期间可以全职工作. 美国跨国公司的海外分支机构的经理及其家属亦可申请此身份.
H1B, H4: Temporary Workers (specialty occupations), 专业类劳工 H2A, H2B: Temporary Agricultural and Other Nonagricultural Workers. H3: Trainees, Students, Scholars, Visiting Researchers and Professors. R1 : Religious Worker.
B1/B2, B1: 访客(tourist, business traveler); B2: 探亲访友的人; B2也可以是以商务为目的去旅游的。 C1N,C1S :Transit Visitors (airport transit visitors, ocean passengers, etc.). D1~D7 : Severely Disabled Visitor. G1~G5 : Diplomatic/Government Officials. I: Representatives of Media Organisations / Journalists, Artists & Athletes and Cultural Attaché’es。