谢邀 2016年3月开始,所有前往捷克的申根签都改为网申,所以题主提到的“是否需要预约”的问题其实是说是否要自己登录官网进行申请程序的操作,还是直接到领馆领取申请表填写后递签即可? 那么答案就是——目前只需要在网上提交材料、选择领区即可(4月8日起,除北京上海之外的所有签证受理点已经停止接受申请者递交的材料),至于最后是不是真的能够拿到签证,则取决于领馆在审核材料时的态度了:
1. 如果申请者材料的缺失或者瑕疵不是特别明显的话(比如资金证明文件日期稍旧或银行对账单的流水金额不够等),一般领馆都会予以准签;
2. 但如果申请者资料存在重大漏洞或疑点,甚至和所申请的出行目的有冲突,那被拒的可能性就比较大; 此外还有一种情况是:即使递交的材料没有任何问题,但领馆出于某种原因,仍然会作出拒签的决定……对于这种情况,我们只能表示无奈~
1. Czech Republic: Visas for Entry into the Schengen Area (visa information page);
2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: VISA section (makes it easy to check visa requirements and find out if you qualify as a short-stay Visa Exempt Person, or need to apply for an eVisa or Tourist Card first – also provides contact details for all Consulates General in Hong Kong, including those with limited working hours/closed on certain holidays etc.)
3. MAFRA: Czech visas: Types & Requirements / Applying online or by post? / FAQ (Mafra is the government organisation responsible for issuing travel documents to citizens of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan; however, they can provide up-to-date visa guidelines for travelers from other countries too)