

不可以的,除非你有丹麦的有效签证或者申根签证 可以看一下这个网站(是瑞典移民局给游客的指南) You can read more about Denmark on this website, or download the pdf to read offline. The site is available in Swedish and English only, but you'll be able to find answers to most of your questions with other sources as well. Do not hesitate to ask if anything remains unclear!

The guide for visitors contains everything you need to know before and during a visit here, including where you’re allowed to stay, how long it takes to process an application for extension, what documentation you should have ready, possible fines etc. If there are any changes we will update the guide as soon as possible. However, we cannot answer legal questions related to specific cases. Instead, we recommend that all those who require clarification contact our dedicated team at retsforhandling@migrationsverket.se.

There may be special rules depending on which type of visa you hold, so please check carefully under Visa types (if applicable) if you don’t see your particular case mentioned below!

If you come from outside Europe*: You must receive permission to enter Denmark before travel. To get such permission you apply for entry clearance at the Danish Immigration Service: URL

In general, you do this online through the VisaPage system. There is no charge for requesting entry clearance; except when applying for short-stay visas under the Visa Waiver Programme (VWP), which has a fee: USD 80/EUR 75 per person.

When you request an entry permit, you also need to arrange for a police record from your country of residence. This does NOT include citizenships you have held previously. For instance, if you currently live in Sweden AND you used to reside in Germany, then both countries’ police would need to provide records. It is important to note that each record needs to state whether or not someone is considered suitable to enter the area covered by that particular law enforcement agency. Therefore, for example, if you lived in Stockholm between ages 16 and 24 then you need Swedish police records covering these years too – even though you left after


不可以,但你可以尝试着申请申根签证! 去斯堪的纳维亚半岛玩的话,最好还是办理一个申根签(当然如果你已经去过欧洲多次且都是免签或者落地签了那就更省事儿了)。 因为北欧各国没有和中国建立外交关系并互设使领馆,所以一般情况是拿不到签证的;而即便是有领馆的国家也没有在中国驻欧大使馆的办事处,因此也办不了领事馆签证(虽然你可以在其他国家签证)。 如果非要去就考虑下欧盟申根签(申根国家包括德、法、瑞等26国,具体国家列表百度一下就知道啦~)吧…… 这种签比较麻烦的是要在网上填写申请表并且等待审查,通常会有电调的可能哦~不过只要你填的信息没问题就不会有问题哒! 但是要注意的是如果申请人在申请时被检查出曾经提供虚假或不实信息,那么申请人会遭到驱逐出境的处理甚至可能会受到相应的起诉……
