我以Tier 2 General visa为例来讲一下,其他类别如Tier 1, Tier 4以及Tier 5的签证申请方法和流程类似。 在拿到公司给出的sponsor之后(或者你已经通过移民局官网的tier2 sponsor online service注册了公司的担保资质)就可以开始准备申请了。 目前,在英国境内提交Tier 2 General visa的申请需要先在网上填写申请表和支付89£的费用;然后打印申请表、护照信息页和护照复印件、移民法规定的所有文件复印件并装订好,再预约到签证中心去递交签证材料并缴纳剩余的700 £费用。目前,签证中心的收费标准是136/份。
首先来说一下在申请表中需要填入的信息包括: • 申请人的姓名、出生日期与国籍 • 申请人的联系电话、邮箱地址与住址 (这个必须是要可以收信的地址) • 申请人现在持有的签证类型与到期日 (如果有的话) • 申请者所在公司的名称与地址, 还有其Tier 2 sponsor number (注意: 如果你的雇主还没有在移民局进行注册成为Sponsor,则应该填上他们收到offer后的预计注册时间) • 申请者的教育背景, 所持证书的颁发国家(或地区), 证书授予的学校及获得证书的年份. • 申请者的英语能力证明:雅思成绩或其他同等效力的英语水平证明; 该证明的日期不能超过三年. • 申请者在英国工作的职位名称 , 职责描述 , 工资标准和工作起止日期等. 此外需要注意的是: 请确保你准备的每一份证据文件的副本上都应有申请人的签名。 对于所有的文件来说,只要提供原件即可, 但是最好能够提供相应的英文翻译件以便使签证官可以查阅到所有的重要信息。
接下来让我们来看看申请时需要的文件: * 一份完整并填好的在线签证申请表, 申请人签名; * A current passport valid for at least six months from the date of your proposed departure from the UK with two clean, unglued pages on which no other type of entry permit is shown or endorsed – note that any previous British work visas will also have to be deleted in full before they can be used again, otherwise new ones would need to be applied for. The same goes for previous visas issued under other immigration categories such as Tier 1 and Tier 4 visa holder’s. Note: all stamps and endorsements made by the Home Office must be totally removed form this page. If there are too many endorsement, please put them on separate sheets of paper with the relevant information clearly stated (for example: stamp stating “visitor not allowed to work” needs to be completely removed); * Two photographs measuring 35×45mm (that does NOT include the border) against a white background taken within the last 3 months showing both front sides and clear from head to toe, glare-free; * Original letter confirming you've received an offer letter from sponsored company, signed by employer or HR Dpt. Note: It is recommended you provide us one hard copy while we'll keep another digital version for our records after signing it. Please do not forget to sign it